Saturday, January 31, 2015

Tropical Storm

Sunday, Feb 1st When we arrived at the Cook Islands the currents and winds were too strong to tender. In addition, we were headed directly into the heart of a tropical storm with 50 - 70 mph winds and 12 ft swells, so the Captain made the decision to leave immediately, bypass Nuku Alofa and head straight for Tonga. We arrived last night to an orchestra, a beautiful suset and some local dancers. Everything is closed today because they strictly enforce Sunday being a day of rest, but tomorrow, we have an excursion and will then be back on track for the normal cruise schedule. We crossed the International Date Line Thursday night, so Friday did not exist.


  1. we are getting ready for 12-17 inches of snow tonight! Enjoy the weather!

  2. Hope you are staying warm. We had our coldest day so far. It was in the high 70's.

  3. Hope you are staying warm. We had our coldest day so far. It was in the high 70's.
